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16首极品级的古典音乐《Audiophile Gold CD》

发表于 2005-11-8 23:30:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: j/ w7 c5 V: [8 Q; y# l8 ]5 k * ]- N( C/ {$ c8 M% ~4 L 这是所有崇尚自然真实的声音之发烧友必买的金CD。CHESKY拣选了16首3 X0 \1 @0 ] l 无论在音乐性与音响表现皆臻极品级的古典音乐,以纯金泡制,保证最靓声。全碟总播唱时间长达65:27,首首好歌,只只美乐,纯作欣赏或拿来试音SHOW QUALI都令人极之满意。CHESKY录音向来以音色自然、空间感强烈和层次鲜明取胜。由于他们收音时从来不喜欢夸张某件乐器,注重整体平衡度,因此音场的立体感表现极之精彩,但就没有打断鼓棍式劈埋身的劲抽低音刺激感,喜欢这类型低音的发烧友也许会嫌它不够过瘾,但从真实原音的角度去听,CHESKY的录音最自然,你听的是演奏现场的声音,而不是站在鼓手面前听鼓声。录音师摆咪技巧不落俗套。本碟将CHESKY录音超凡的优点表露无遗,乐器均录得极端真实自然。是各大电台的首选曲目!& a6 q% P" c+ P- _ , P1 ~4 y/ l2 Y5 ] , ^% i1 s0 I0 D+ H, }' g0 n. U 曲目: ( }, }: r8 v# O/ A* P. H: M01. Georges Bizet -Carmen act 1, La Garde Montane [2:37]- @" e. D0 K8 n J" g 02. Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers [6:26] 0 b: U3 |, \% ~% K03. Strauss - 2001 A Space Odyssey [2:03]6 D" }' V6 E, f. O 04. Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring [4:26] ' c/ w- A3 G1 a* D2 h+ L3 ^05. Grieg - Piano Concerto in A Minor [1:48] " \4 ~% l' q) ?# V. V' H2 U, P' a06. Enesco -Rumanian Rhapsody No, 1, Op.11, No.1 [1:31] % B& O' R8 \- w8 R5 ~07. Westminster Choir - I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me [5:10]$ M. y, Y, Q5 R% i3 g' f0 V% u 08. Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - Autumn [5:30] 0 u L3 {% |( F, K, |09. Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - Winter [1:57]: X7 ]9 Z+ d. M: E# V9 } 10. Berlioz - Allgretto non troppo Massimo Frecciz [4:35]8 R- w2 }4 X2 g, ]9 ^1 Q 11. Georges Bizet - Carmen Prelude Act 1, Les Toreadors [2:13]1 m' t. z; [) l# ?3 j$ y0 ~3 i 12. Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring [1:37] 6 Z, W9 B) e# H: ~13. Strauss - Tritsch Tratsch Polka [2:39] 7 B5 Z+ _& \ {& s7 k g14. Strauss - Tales from the Vienna Woods Waltzes [10:49]. }3 u7 W" H0 `; D2 V 15. Tchaikovsky - I Allegro moderato [6:34]7 v1 O' l2 y7 p2 Q6 r: q* z# b' [ 16. Stravinsky - Peetrouchka [5:25] ; n6 J; P) ]) {. v' Y: E. r6 x" O4 @5 }4 ^( a" A3 P3 ?9 u! s5 Q" [ 5 ~' O$ G) U3 N K5 z) f$ [" `- q0 k# p2 N 0 h" l9 m; g' c4 D! t+ G, \ / D3 O# ?8 E, D9 k; m1 A7 y & `8 l9 b0 L3 T4 n7 Y! [- l B/ r/ a5 f6 ?* a3 g, o0 C0 Q , F. m! N/ L; W" }' O J5 @" `5 e( s; k9 x1 F, W, D6 P + d% \+ y: Z$ g4 Z6 a" T v- P9 [ Z! M g) o" v9 y# V% K- G- J ( `4 t0 C1 I" O. M6 }& ^: R2 G! F 3 v/ a8 \# V; j# v u# Y( V! h$ {- Q; } ^# S# Z) T3 y6 x6 S 3 X: g0 j9 Y8 z0 `4 A y4 n W. P8 G! V- e9 L y/ Z0 b$ E% s7 ^! s! L6 v( u; T 3 o6 Y5 R! {* y+ O \0 O" d# D$ p3 H$ [0 w7 d C 0 z5 _! g) f% c ' F- {7 }4 B, x7 Y& _ $ B- R3 Y; u5 n, `" L$ ^ [mp][/mp]
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